Topic - Please Help me get back my Daughter!

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So I will make this short as I can. I keep to myself and never done my ex wife any harm at all what happened is I after we put our dog down i went over the next week gave my kids some roses and a rest in doggy heaven gift to give to mom. Well next week I went over and there was a notepad in there so me being me I opened it up. An upon opening it up what I read was a bit shocking to me. So what happens instead is she goes batshit crazy on me screaming kicks me out on my day I was suppose to pickup my daughter & I also have a Son but I don't have legal rights to him as i'm not on the birth certificate. So instead she puts a TPO on me this TPO cleared cuz I live in ohio and it is a mother state and whatever these girls say here goes because its just easy money for the courts system to make. Well I went full blown autistic on learning law and PaRENTs under legal definition is not what i'm going to be using I will be going in acting Pro Per and representing the Estate of ...
Anyways I would greatly appreciate any donations possible this has become hard as hell for me to get anywhere giving i live in the sticks i'm not able to get anywhere..